Daily Reading

Wednesday of the Twenty-seventh Week in Ordinary Time

Reading 1 Jon 4:1-11

Jonah was greatly displeased
and became angry that God did not carry out the evil
he threatened against Nineveh.
He prayed, “I beseech you, LORD,
is not this what I said while I was still in my own country?
This is why I fled at first to Tarshish.
I knew that you are a gracious and merciful God,
slow to anger,

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Wednesday of the Twenty-seventh Week in Ordinary Time Read More »

Saturday of the Twenty-sixth Week in Ordinary Time

Reading 1 Bar 4:5-12, 27-29

Fear not, my people!
Remember, Israel,
You were sold to the nations
not for your destruction;
It was because you angered God
that you were handed over to your foes.
For you provoked your Maker
with sacrifices to demons, to no-gods;
You forsook the Eternal God who nourished you,
and you grieved Jerusalem who fostered you.
She indeed saw coming upon you
the anger of God;

Saturday of the Twenty-sixth Week in Ordinary Time Read More »

Memorial of Saint Thérèse of the Child Jesus, Virgin and Doctor of the Church

Reading 1 Zec 8:20-23

Thus says the LORD of hosts:
There shall yet come peoples,
the inhabitants of many cities;
and the inhabitants of one city shall approach those of another,
and say, “Come! let us go to implore the favor of the LORD”;
and, “I too will go to seek the LORD.”
Many peoples and strong nations shall come
to seek the LORD of hosts in Jerusalem
and to implore the favor of the LORD.

Memorial of Saint Thérèse of the Child Jesus, Virgin and Doctor of the Church Read More »