The purpose of the Pastoral Council is:
- To share with the Pastor the responsibilities which affect the direction, programs, issues and concerns that affect the life and ministry of the parish.
- To encourage members of the parish to utilize their own gifts and talents for the service of the community.
- To help the Pastor and the Bishop fulfill the missions and goals of the diocese.
The Council is composed of the Pastor, six members and the chairs of each standing committee.
The term of membership for each elected member is for two years. The terms of membership for the elected members are staggered to maintain some continuity, with three members elected one year and four elected the next year. Elections are held on the last Saturday/Sunday of April.
Pastoral Council Members
Father Roger Abadano
Austin Schmitt, Chair
Marilyn Gilbert, Vice Chair
Ruth Morton, Secretary
Teresa Golden, Member
Cindy Palladino, Member
John Morton, Member
Meeting Dates
The Pastoral Council meets the third Wednesday of January, March, May, July, September and November
Pastoral Council Constitution
Mission Statement
St. Francis of Assisi is a Roman Catholic church striving to be an instrument of peace and love through the sacramental life of Jesus Christ and service to others.
Vision Statement
Through the grace of God, the Roman Catholic Parish of St. Francis of Assisi aspires to be a family-oriented and Christ-centered community.
Core Values
- Spiritual devotion
- Devotion to the family unit and church family
- Charity work
- Respect for and promotion of human dignity
- Offering fellowship and help to our community in God’s name
Pastoral Council Minutes